
🧐30 SMART PURCHASES - What RICH PEOPLE Buy? (Things you NEED to Buy)

🧐30 SMART PURCHASES - What RICH PEOPLE Buy? (Things you NEED to Buy) This video is similar to my last video of DUMB purchases, but this time is SMART purchases. We might know what NOT to buy so these things are to help you know what to buy. You can save more money, build more wealth, invest to become rich, or simply have a better and happier life.

1. Retirement accounts (401k)
2. Used car
3. Credit card (WHAT?) - cash bonus
4. Silicon windshield wipers
5. Gym membership
6. Property
7. Suit / watch
8. Passport
9. Groceries
10. Bed
11. Water thermos
12. Silver / Gold
13. Organizer / Calendar
14. Journal
15. Books
16. Experiences (wisely)
17. Life insurance (parents)
18. Will / trust
19. Stocks / diversified portfolio
20. CPA
21. Therapist / Self Help books/videos
22. Seminars (not too much)
23. College*****
24. 4 for 4
25. Time
26. Vacation
27. Form fitting clothes
28. Business cards (for businesses)
29. Assets
30. Donate


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#ThingsToBuy #SaveMoney #BetterLife #GetRich #Happiness #Investing

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