The Three Week Diet is a revolutionary diet system which not only promises you will lose weight, but it promises you to lose more weight faster than anything else you’ve tried.
The 3 Week Diet is a new diet program which will give you quick weight loss. It was created by Brian Flatt and he claims you can lose between 12 and 23 pounds of fat in just 21 days.
The Three Week Diet is a combination of different diets which are brought together into different phases. The program starts with a detox phase, then a fasting period followed by two low carb phases.
The program also includes an exercise regime. This is divided into two parts both of which have different types of exercises. The exercise in the program is to walk every day before breakfast. And there is an optional phase which is a dumbbell based workout program.
The 3 Week Diet program consists of four manuals:
The Introduction Manual will explain why people get fat and will explain the science behind The 3 Week Diet Program. This manual also explains the dos and don’ts of what to do while following the program and also cover the recommended supplements and how they will help with your weight loss.
The Diet Plan Manual will give you step by step instructions regarding your BMR. How it relates to your diet. It explains what to eat and when to eat it.
The Workout Manual will give you detailed instructions on performing the “Fat Blasting Workout”
The Mindset and Motivation Manual will give you some ideas which will help you stay on track with the program.
Real results are guaranteed with this system or your money back.