
Unedited dash cam video: Officer accused of excessive force by suspected drunk driver

Unedited dash cam video: Officer accused of excessive force by suspected drunk driver WARNING STRONG LANGUAGE
The Mount Pleasant Police officer in this video, Eric Giese (who is now a sergeant), has been accused of using excessive force against suspected drunk driver Michael Kowalczuk on Sept. 3, 2013. Giese, along with the Village of Mount Pleasant and the police chief, are facing a lawsuit in federal court filed by Kowalczuk.
In this video, Kowalczuk is seen and heard not following Giese's orders, kicking the officer twice. Giese responds by punching Kowalczuk (he denied hitting him in the face in the video said he did in his police report filed later) and Tasering him twice in the back. Kowalczuk suffered an orbital fracture (knocking his eye out of its socket), dislocated shoulder and broken jaw.

This video was released by the Mount Pleasant Police Department following an open records request submitted by The Journal Times.
For the full story, go to

eric giese,michael kowalczuk,nancy kowalczuk,jeff kowalczuk,kowalczuk,giese,tyrese west,ty'rese west,ty' rese west,racine,police,use of force,police brutality,excessive force,mount pleasant,

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