Serverless Computing: One step forward and two steps backward
Serverless computing offers the potential to program the cloud in an autoscaling, pay-as-you go manner. In this paper we address critical gaps in first-generation serverless computing, which place its autoscaling potential at odds with dominant trends in modern computing: notably data-centric and distributed computing, but also open source and custom hardware. Put together, these gaps make current serverless offerings a bad fit for cloud innovation and particularly bad for data systems innovation. In addition to pinpointing some of the main shortfalls of current serverless architectures, we raise a set of challenges we believe must be met to unlock the radical potential that the cloud—with its exabytes of storage and millions of cores—should offer to innovative developers.
Nyah's Bio
Nyah Check
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Nyah is a Software Engineer at Altitude Networks, a cloud security startup, working on the Backend and Infrastructure. He spends his day writing IAAC for AWS and GCP. He is a seasoned conference speaker haven spoken at OSCON and Gophercon. In his spare time he enjoys writing poetry and playing basketball.