06:10 | Torben Birch-Thomsen: Urbanization in rural regions: the emergence of urban centres in Tanzania
24:30 | Jasper van Vliet: Different shades of grey: variation along the rural-urban gradient and their implications for land use modelling
45:38 | Eduardo Henrique da Silva Oliveira: The role of strategic spatial plans in managing urban-rural relationships in European and North American urban regions
1:03:39 | Saskia Wolff: Analyzing peri-urban land use change using a mixed-methods approach in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
1:19:20 | Fenna Otten: Sumatra’s landscape mosaic: investigating spatio-temporal heterogeneity of rural transformations
1:27:44 | Daniele Ehrlich: Data compendium for land change analysis along the urban-rural gradient
Rural land systems and urban land systems have often been studied in isolation as if both systems exist independently. Yet, these systems are related in many different ways, either because they’re mixed in space, or because they depend on each other for services. At the same time, these interactions might yield new challenges related to the competing and /or increased claims for land, and thus to sustainable land use systems. In this session we will discuss studies that have this relation between rural and urban land, local or over distance) as a focal point. Specific topics include, but are not restricted to, analyses of the rural-urban continuum and related land use processes (such as including peri-urbanization, rural infill, sprawl, counter-urbanization), analyses of flows between rural and urban areas (including people, food, people, other material, but also services, such as recreation, aesthetics, flood protection,), changing rural land-use activities related to urban markets (including diversification of rural economies, functioning of small urban centres as markets, migration flows related to labor opportunities, and smallholder changes towards market production and agrifood systems), and studies on planning and management of these relations and interactions.
The 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme was held from April 24-26 in Bern, Switzerland.
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