
11-23-2019 Anomaly Flyby Hyperstar 470nm IR RGBKL Tracker Analysis

11-23-2019 Anomaly Flyby Hyperstar 470nm IR RGBKL Tracker Analysis 11-23-2019 Anomaly Flyby Hyperstar 470nm IR RGBKL Tracker Analysis. This anomaly is in 100% focus. It is not a bird @ cloud ceiling. The anomaly generates a contrail. Last instance of something similar
3-06-2019 Anomalies Tracker Hyperstar 470nm IR RGBK Analysis. Last instance of something similar:
12-07-2018 Anomalies Flyby in Formation Hyperstar 470nm IR Tracker Analysis. I have never imaged anything like these.
They're Big, and they're in the upper atmosphere, if not the outer atmosphere based on the optical distortions. Ground temperature is 20 degrees, 12 degrees below freezing. Unknowns that first appeared:
11-26-2018 Unknowns 2 Flyby Hyperstar 470nm IR Analysis. This is not the first time I've documented whatever these anomalies are? This is filmed with the Moon directly off frame. First instance of documentation was in Washington DC:
12-15-2016 UFO Formation Squares FB Analysis. We have not been able to identify these organisms. Jose Escamilla
In this sample, upon analysis, we see there is a field around these objects imaged @ ISO 102400 @ 60 fps using D5.
2-20-2016 UFO Squares Formation Flyby IR Analysis. I do not know what these are, or how they maintain flight in a square configuration?
A first time documentation, of a series of square objects imaged under infrared conditions.

Matching footage..6:00 minutes in..
Jose Escamila,

Japan Airlines Flight 1628, The Third Object,
How ET Enters Our Airspace,
A&E, The History Channel, NBCUniversal, The Weather Channel, Sy-Fy, BBC, Discovery Networks, Discovery Science, Animal Planet, American Heroes Channel, MTV, CMT, Wilbur Allen,

Jose Escamila,,,,,Japan Airlines Flight 1628,The Third Object,,How ET Enters Our Airspace,,,A&E,The History Channel,NBCUniversal,The Weather Channel,Sy-Fy,BBC,Discovery Networks,Discovery Science,Animal Planet,American Heroes Channel,MTV,CMT,Wilbur Allen,,

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