1 litre of water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 small teaspoon salt
1/2 small teaspoon baking soda
The juice of half a lemon
It's very simple to make:
Boil a litre of water.
Once brought to the boil, turn off the heat and pour it into a heatproof container (not plastic).
Add all the ingredients and stir well.
This solution should replace the dog's water. It has a 24-hour stability period so it should be thrown away the following day.
Bought probiotic by kyron the brand
Added in the electrolyte water mix
Oatmeal added some probiotics in that as well
Gave him 20ml syringe of water every hour once for 12 hours
Food 5ml syringe 4 times a day day 1-4
Day 5- 6, 6 hours food mix and 6 hours electrolyte water.