
Redefining the Future of Healthcare Through Collaboration | Dileep Mangsuli | GE Healthcare

Redefining the Future of Healthcare Through Collaboration | Dileep Mangsuli | GE Healthcare Healthcare is being greatly disrupted with increasing application of digital technologies to provide affordable & accessible healthcare and accurate diagnostics. We sat with Dileep Mangsuli, CTO, Wipro – GE Healthcare to understand where the #healthcare industry is headed.

Trends in Healthcare that are transforming the industry
There are still 5.8Bn people who do not have good access to medicine or diagnostic services. To make that really happen, you need to cut down the costs, enhance accuracy, and increase productivity. Well, the big thing that is moving the needle is precision health.
Precision health in simple terms means how can you detect a disease quickly, how can you detect a disease correctly.

To put things in perspective, a family doctor used to be very effective because he knew the history of the patient. He knew what worked well for the entire family. That used to be a great outcome for the patient and the family. Now, with precision health what we are trying to do is, using the data that we are getting from the patient about the disease, and driving outcomes with that intelligence.

Trends that healthcare is betting big on:

We are betting big on precision health. For us, this is going to define the entire strategy of future healthcare. So, we are trying to utilize the present strengths that we have in terms of clinical expertise, diagnostic expertise, and combine this with digital expertise.

Now we need to create the future of technology in healthcare like an Apple or an Android where you are going to bring in a lot of experts from the field and collaborate. Companies like IBM, and a few gaming companies, are foraying into healthcare. So, unless you look at partnering with a lot of people, startups, and like-minded people who try to bring in some different perspectives, you will not be able to attain the desired success. So healthcare is looking at partnering, collaborating, and driving success through open innovation.

GE Healthcare’s collaboration roadmap:
• Getting a lot of startups on board
• Partnering with companies that possess computational capabilities, AI capabilities
• Collaborating with universities, research institutions.
These are the factors that are going to augment the outcomes for the healthcare industry, as well as #GEHealthcare.

#Zinnov #Collaboration

Healthcare,Precision Healthcare,GE Healthcare,Collaboration,Affordable Healthcare,Accurate Healthcare,diagnostics,Healthcare Ecosystem,Healthcare Startup,

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