

EP 2. FIRST WEIGHTS SESSION | HYPERTROPHY WORKOUT Welcome to my channel. Please show your support by subscribing to my channel and commenting on my videos and I will continue to make them for you :)

Morning mama's, soon to be mama's, newbees to the training scene and everyone else in between.
So today was my first weight training session as my first official workout was just body weight stuff. It felt really good to be lifting weights again because lifting heavy weights is my jam!!! It's what I have always enjoyed the most and that was probably because I used to be fairly strong for ya average girl ;)
Lets see how quickly we can bring back those strength gains :)

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Bachelors in Sport & Recreation
Diploma in Applied Fitness
Certificate in Exercise Science

All obtained from Auckland University.

I am looking at picking up some online clients as I believe everyone is different and just because one workout regime worked for someone doesn't mean your body is going to turn out the same way so give me an email:


A1 Front squats 4x8

B1 Bulgarians 4x8
B2 Romanians 4x8

C1 Single leg hip thrusters 4x8
C2 Side lunge 4x8


8 cal bike
10 deadballs

rest 1 minute between sets.

How to read this workout. So A1 you complete this exercise by doing 8 reps for 4 sets. Rest one min between sets. Once completed move onto B1 where you complete this exercise of 8 reps then you immediately move onto B2 and complete this for 8 reps and once completing both you rest for one minute. That is one set complete.
So you should do B1, B2, REST. B1, B2 REST etc. Once 4 sets have been completed move onto C1 and do the same. C1, C2 REST etc.
4x8 is sets X reps. So this means you do an exercise for 4 sets and each set will consist of you performing the exercise 8 reps/times.
I hope this makes sense, if not let me know!

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