1. Cross body mountain climbing
This is a simple technique you can perform at home. All you need is a yoga mat and some will power definitely. Get in a planks position with your face towards the mat and lift your body on your palms and feet. Now lift your leg and flex your knee and try to touch it by your belly. Repeat it with the other leg and keep going. Do it 20 time and 2 sets.
2. Crunches
Next exercise you can easily perform at home is crunches. All you need for this is a soft yoga mat. Lay down on the mat on your back with your knees flexed. Put your hands behind your neck or hold your head and then try to sit up without removing your foot from the floor. Perform it 10 to 20 times according to your strength. It’s hard to perform it in the start but eventually, you’ll find it easy, as you want to burn the belly fat right?
3. Bicycle crunches
Next exercise in my list is a bit same as the previous one and requirements are the same but the difference is, you have to try to touch your elbows to your knees, left with the right (opposite) turn by turn and here it goes. Perform it 10 times and 2 sets.
4. Lying leg raises
Next on the list is lying leg raises. Again a simple exercise and everyone can perform at home and no more requirements than a yoga mat.
All you have to do it lay down on your back and try to lift your legs high up in the air for few seconds and then bring your legs back but before them touching the floor raise them back in the air straight again. Repeat it 10 times and rest for 30 seconds and repeat to complete 2 sets. Remarkable results are awaiting.
5. Brisk walking
This is a bit time consuming but trust me it doesn’t only help you with burning your belly fat but also it will help you alleviate your mood and along with that, it protects you from a lot of stress-related and fat-related medical conditions as raised blood pressure and heart diseases.
It is very simple to perform, all you need is comfy shoes and a track and start walking in a speedy way. Continue brisk walking for 30 minutes daily before dawn or at evening and you’ll see the results yourself. Make sure you sweat.
These are a few beneficial exercises you can easily perform at home. No need to join a gym. Just take out a few minutes from your busy routine and consume that time for yourself. I hope you’ll get the benefits. Perform these exercises and share your experience in the comments below.
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