
Are we portraying an image of Christ that is pleasing to him? Starry Hilder and Homesteading Nana

Are we portraying an image of Christ that is pleasing to him? Starry Hilder and Homesteading Nana Let pray for the Families of those who lost their loved ones on this day from the terrorist attack. Such a horrific day. This was the largest attack on the United States. We will never forget this day.

Friends I wanted to share with you today part of my morning worship. What God showed to me to share with you. His timing is always right and he know what has been going on. You can't fool God. Sorry so posting this so late.

I have viewed the comments from Prepsteader Bob's video with my sister. I was blown away by women who proclaim they are followers of Christ. Please ask yourself this question and this goes for everyone. Does what you say and do in your life Glorify the Lord? How you talked about others, is it pleasing to the Lord? If you say you are a Christian do you not know what God's word is when you talk about other people?

I prayed to God about making this video because I know that I will probably get some kind of backlash from it. That is alright. When Jesus went out to preach his word what did people do and say to him? They were horrible. They were set out to destroy and kill him.

I ask this of you all, does a person past defines who they are today? When we give our lives to the Lord all our sins are cleanse but his Blood. All are sins are forgiven. Our sins no longer is an anchor around our necks. Sure we are ALL SINNERS and we do fall short everyday. None of us are worthy. God forgives us, he does not dwell upon our past or our sins that we have asked for forgiveness for. I feel people don't understand this and really don't know Jesus or his word. They may know it but they are not living it and they surely are not acting in a way that is pleasing to our Holy Lord and Savior.

Matthew 7:13-14
13 "Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. 14 But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it.

My sisters journey has been a hard one. With many trials. God has seen her through it all. People are so quick to think they know a person life or really know what the circumstances are. God puts us through test after test throughout our entire life. He is testing you now to see how you are going to react. We all will stand before the Lord on judgement day if your name is not written in his book then you will be cast out. If that doesn't change you right now and your ways then you will not be saved.

No one knows anyone real journey until you walk a mile in their shoes . Can you give up your home that you helped build with your own hands and lived for a big part of your life? To walk away from it all with just the bare essential to follow God's will? Do you have the Obedience and commitment to do that? Then be mocked by others because they think they know the story of your life? I don't know how many of you can truthfully say you'd give it all up and trust God's Will. Even when God puts you through more and more harder trials to test if you will remain obedient and commit to him.

I pray that we all can be an image of God, we are to be his representative. Help others to be kind, gentle and loving towards others no matter. Soften their hearts and not be so quick to judge others. It is not our job to judge others for it is your job to judge us. Help us to be more like you everyday. You are a forgiving Lord. I thank you for loving us and being our heavenly Father.

As requested my Wishlist from Amazon

Those of you who have been helping my sister and don't know what her needs are I put a list of very important items she needs so I can help her detox her body. Thank you for those who have been helping her through it all. You too will be GREATLY BLESSED.


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