
Air Force defends stop at Trump Scotland resort as 'least expensive'

Air Force defends stop at Trump Scotland resort as 'least expensive' Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message. The Air Force defended a March stopover at Trump's Turnberry resort in Scotland by claiming Saturday it was 'the closest and least expensive accommodations' available.'The stopover of a U.S. Air Force C-17 in Glasgow, Scotland is not unusual,' Brig. Gen. Ed Thomas said in a statement of the stop that included a stay for crew members at the Trump resort.'As our aircrews serve on these international airlift missions, they follow strict guidelines on contracting for hotel accommodations and all expenditures of taxpayer dollars,' Thomas continued. 'In this case, they made reservations through the Defense Travel System and used the closest available and least expensive accommodations to the airfield within the crews allowable hotel rates.'The March 13 trip consisted of seven active duty and National Guard crew members, the Air Force said. It added that although they stopped and stayed at Turnberry en route to Kuwait,"it doesn't appear" they did so on the trip back to the U.S. The Democratic-led House Oversight Committee sent a letter in June to then-acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan requesting documents related to the travel and stay in conjunction to an investigation into conflicts of interest between the president and his businesses.The letter alludes that $11 million in Defense Department fuel purchases since October 2017 from Prestwick Airport, which is the closest to Turnberry, is a tactic to keep Trump's resort afloat by ensuring close-by air travel. House Democrats are also currently investigating Vice President Mike Pence's stay a week ago at Trump's golf resort in Doonbeg, Ireland, claiming the decision could have violated the Constitution's emoluments clause.Thomas said the per diem rate at both the Turnberry and a nearby Marriott hotel were below the $166 per night cap, but the crew was able to obtain a cheaper rate of $136 at Trump Turnberry compared to the $161 rate at the Marriott. He said the Air Force is still reviewing the records but so far has not found anything improper with the crew's stay at the Trump property.Two House committees are probing another potential conflict of interest that they claim is of 'grave' concern in Pence's stay at Trump's Doonbeg resort while traveling in Ireland last week.The golf resort is 180 miles away and on the other side of Ireland from where Pence was conducting official business with meetings in Dublin.Trump says he did not recommend Pence stay at his club. However Pence's chief of staff, Marc Short, told reporters traveling with the vice president that Trump 'suggested' the stay. Pence traveled to the resort by helicopter and paid of his own picket for his wife and mother to join him there.Trump had stayed the


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