
Afternoon Speeding Perpetrator

Afternoon Speeding Perpetrator Sorry for the late response. Got text message yesterday asking if we had capture this minion minded fool. As you can see we did and his misbehavior has been noted. The bad news is he didn't get a ticket. The good news is his self incriminating act of defiance only supports all that I have written here. Even the guy tying down his load took note of this vehicular terrorist. No worry, what the brain-dead human's dismiss and have become numb to the cloud catches all regardless of their ineptitude or and lackadaisical attitudes. Many more people nation wide need to get involved - Maybe someday the city counsel will get their heads out of their asses and address real issues instead of playing politics and favoritism to the church and do what should have been done decades ago especially as they bring more BATTS into the area which of course means more problems -


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