
Actually A Q&A Live Stream

Actually A Q&A Live Stream I hate making these descriptions, but since I'm doing things different this week, I should let everyone know. If you've been put into a cycle, MAKE SURE YOU'RE IN THE TEAM STEPHEN VOICE CHANNEL. It's just too hard to actually find everyone if you're not all in the same place and since Blank (shoutout to Blank) is being nice, I don't want to make the mods work harder than they have to.

Your favourite sociopathic narcissist from DanPlan finally gets his own YouTube channel.

Stephen's the best person on DanPlan. He knows it, you know it, even Daniel and Hosuh know it. So why not stop by and get to know him a bit better with a (hopefully) weekly Q&A session. Drop on in and don't forget to BYOK (Bring Your Own Knives).


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