
The Workload of College is Overwhelming

The Workload of College is Overwhelming Internet Analysis: COLLEGE IS OVERWHELMING. Is it even possible to balance class, socializing, sleep, and work?? Shout out to today's sponsor, Ana Luisa Jewelry: Check their designs here: Use code tiffanyferg10 for 10% off!
#internetanalysis #college #burnout

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Hello my dudes! My name is Tiffany Ferguson. I’m a 23 year old sharing my thoughts and life experiences. Here on Tiffanyferg, recently I've been working on my Internet Analysis series, where I research and share some commentary about online trends. I also occasionally talk about my experiences with college, traveling, study abroad, veganism, and other young-adult tings.

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FTC: This video contains a segment sponsored by Ana Luisa! Links with * are affiliate, meaning I am compensated monetarily if you join or make a purchase.

Tiffany Ferguson,tiffanyferg,internet analysis,commentary,video essay,college,university,burnout,tired,stressed,greek life,make friends in college,how to survive college,bestdressed,what I wish I'd known about college,Olivia Kathryn,work life balance,stress,overwhelmed,

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