
Story Time: The One Time Having a Concealed Carry Paid Off

Story Time: The One Time Having a Concealed Carry Paid Off This is a quick personal story of why its so important to have the ability to protect yourself. We can pretend until we are blue in the face that civilized people don't need weapons or that there is a police officer on every street corner but reality doesn't lie. I hope my story can help you at least realize that its better to not be a mindless victim and take steps to be able to ensure you can protect yourself and your family if things go sour. This literally all took place within minutes and if I wasnt prepared for this, it could of ended very badly for me.

Story Time,Concealed carry,CWP,CCW,Why you should carry,Dont be a victim,Sheepdog,Prepper,Be prepared,Palmetto Prepared,

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