
Opening results *LIVE REACTION* (at the Vatican)

Opening results *LIVE REACTION* (at the Vatican) disclaimers:

LOL I PUT THE WEONG DATE AT THE START! Meant to be 15th August not 25thπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I discovered later on that I got 109 marks and the pass mark for an A was 118 so I was only 9 marks off an A! My initial reaction to my grade wasn’t the best, but when I found this out I was pretty chuffed!

Hey guys

So today I got my last ever set of school results as next Year i am dropping out!

I only took one AS level in Religious Studies and, seeing as I am in Rome on holiday with my family, I wanted to film myself opening them at the centre catholic religion : The Vatican City

please don't take this video too seriously! And I recieved a lot of comments on mty GCSE opening results video which suggested that i had looked at my results before filming the video. All i can give you is my word but I promise that in both videos, these have been my true and real first reactions!

Lots of love



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