
Deciding for Christ - The Gospel Message

Deciding for Christ - The Gospel Message This brief message on deciding for Jesus Christ as your personal Savior explains why the Scriptures teach that He is the only way unto salvation, according to His own words. When it comes to the subject of salvation from the condemnation to the Lake of Fire, the Lord’s substitutionary work on the Cross is the issue. The only sin that God the Holy Spirit convicts the world of is the sin of not believing in His saving work (John 16:8-9). He alone is the only one who can provide the perfection that God’s Holiness will accept and is the reason salvation in Him is a gift and not of works so that no one can boast (Eph. 2:8-9).

salvation,Jesus Christ,the only way,James 4:14,John 14:6,the truth,the life,John 3:15-18,Matt. 7:13-14,narrow gate,Romans 3:23,all sinned,come short of the glory of God,Hebrews 4:15,Ephesians 2:8-9,gift,not of works,grace,Romans 6:23,wages of sin,death,Matt. 20:28,John 3:7,you must be born again,John 1:12-13,Romans 8:38-39,1 John 2:2,John 19:30,2 Corinthians 5:21,

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