Infertility is on the rise even people who could conceive first time easily have one healthy child in hand find it very difficult to be a mom again. There could be various reasons for that. One is the rising age. Late marriages, late first child birth are common for people and conceive around 34, 35 and by the time they are ready for the second one, it could be 4 to 5 years later, they are into their late 30’s. Infertility starts increasing after 35. Your ovarian reserve falls and the chances that you produce healthy egg, that falls. This is the most common reason is the increasing age. Then might gain could be another reason. As you age, you tend to put on more weight and more weight you put, something called polycystic ovary set s in and leading to hormonal imbalance and leading to lack of ovulation happening. You could have picked up some infection over these years which can led to blockage of our tubes and that can also might come in the way of becoming pregnant. Rising medical disorders like you can pick up blood pressure and diabetes as you age, which can come in the way of fertility. So these are the common reasons. You need to go to a doctor ad get yourself evaluated if you are not able to conceiving, after 6 to 9 months of proper trying.
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