
To Reach Full Cognizance of the Presence of God

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#Torah #Judaism #JohnGischala

Kabbalah Online Weekly Torah Archives Shemot - Exodus Va'eira

Chasidic Masters

Losing Awareness of G-d

The purpose of the plagues was to teach us about G-d.


By Binyomin Adilman, based on Sefer Baal Shem Tov

"And I will take you to Myself as a People, and I will be your G‑d. Then you will know that I am G‑d, the One who took you out from the subjugation of Egypt." (Ex. 6:7)

The phrase "Then you will know that I am G‑d...." hints that up until now the Children of Israel did not know G‑d. They had become distanced from Him so much so, that they had to learn all over again. It is a condition which in part, brought on the Egyptian exile.

"And the world will be full of the knowledge of G‑d as the seas are full of water." (Isaiah 11:9)

"Increase the difficulty of the work for the men, and make sure they do it…" (Ex. 5:9).

our Sages testify that a simple maid servant reached a level of understanding of divine revelation that even the prophet Ezekiel didn't reach! (Mechilta 15:3)

"And you put signs and wonders in the land of Egypt until this very day", declared the prophet Jeremiah 32:20

John Gischala,Talmud,News,Teaching,Learning,Education,Government,Israel,Hebrew,Temple,Prophet,Rabbi,Jerusalem,Babylonian,Mysticism,Secrets,Occultism,Kabbalah,Hasidic,Jesus,End Times,Zohar,Uncensored,Last Days,Spirituality,Religion,Torah,Judaism,Jewish,Bible,Mechilta 15:3,Jeremiah 32:20,Isaiah 11:9,subjugation,Baal Shem Tov,Egyptian exile,real jews,hebrew israelites,signs and wonders,miracles,signs,worship,holy bible,cognizance,Presence of God,holy spirit,

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