
Manifesto of Hong Kong Protesters

Manifesto of Hong Kong Protesters 中文版本 Chinese version:

Stand with Hong Kong-Reiterating the Cause of the Anti-Extradition Bill Protests, Hongkongers from Different Sectors to Read Out the "Manifesto of Hong Kong Protesters"

About this video:
Hongkongers from various sectors (artists, medical workers, legal profession, students, activists, etc.) read out the "Manifesto of Hong Kong Protesters" in support of the pursuit of freedom.

What is the "Manifesto of Hong Kong Protesters"?
Occupying the Legislative Council on 1 July 2019, protesters against the extradition law amendments announced the "Manifesto of Hong Kong Protesters", bestowing a new meaning on this day which otherwise commemorates the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Why are people protesting in Hong Kong?
Looking back at the 22 years after the handover, freedoms in Hong Kong have gradually been eroded in the presence of China.

In 2019, the Hong Kong government planned to amend the extradition law to allow extradition to China. If passed, Hong Kong citizens would be subjected to the law and court's trial in China.

What is happening in Hong Kong right now?
Since June, Hongkongers have demonstrated solidarity, stamina and courage, against the extradition amendments.

More than 3 million Hongkongers took to the street on different occasions to oppose extradition to China. Despite the record breaking turnouts in the rallies on 9 June and 16 June, the Hong Kong SAR Government remains indifferent. Within a few weeks, several young protesters had committed suicide, both in despair and in defense of the cause.

Eventually protesters had to take the Legislative Council and declare the Manifesto there.

For successive weekends, they had been running large scale rallies in different parts of the territory. At the risk of being subjected to arrest or casualty, some protesters have even prepared for the worst, showing it to the world that under no circumstances would Hongkongers be deterred from speaking their mind.

What can you do?
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This video hopes to draw attention to the five demands (as presented in the Manifesto) Hong Kong protesters have been urging the government to address.

It was for the first time Hong Kong people articulated a manifesto in the city's legislature. To Hongkongers, the act was not merely a milestone; it showed how determined Hongkongers could be in defense of freedom and in pursuit of democracy, even in the worst of times.

Special Acknowledgement (In random order)

Musician, Anthony Wong
Former Member of Legislative Council, Audrey Eu
Registered Social Worker, He Yang
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Member of the Election Committee Subsector Election (Chinese Medicine), Lee Ka Lun
Independent Art & Culture Worker, May Fung
Standing Committee Member of Demosisto, Former Member of the Legislative Council, Nathan Law
Basketball KOL, Real Basketball Coach
Artist and Scholar, Sampson Wong
Member of the Legal Profession, Sea
Designer, Soul Soul
Cardiologist Member of the Election Committee Subsector Election (Medical), Spokesman of Médecins Inspirés, Wong Yam Hong
Artist, Yeung Sau Churk
Youngspiration, Baggio Leung
Spokesperson of Hong Kong Teen Anti Tyranny, CH
Members of Parents United Hong Kong, Eric and Mini
Secretary General of Demosisto, Joshua Wong
Representative of Hong Kong Artist Union, Wong Ka Ying
The Anti-Extradition Hunger Strikers
Darkhorse Knight Riders
Representatives of Demovanile
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Lingnan University Students‘ Union
The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Umbrella Parents
Two protesters

Hong Kong,AntiELab,anti-extradition,

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