Items You Should Replace Regularly

Let's face it...we've all got those things at home that we forget about until it's too late! #ExperienceTheAaronAdvantage

HVAC Filter - Every 3-6 months or it can drive up energy costs and in some cases invalidate a warranty.

Vacuum Filters - (check owner's manual) Every 6 months to 2 years. Won't work as well and may become fire hazard.

Smoke Detectors - When they stop working or every 10 years. However, check monthly and replace batteries twice a year.

Kitchen Sponge - Don't use more than 2 weeks at a time. It can cause bacteria to grow and make you sick.

GFCI Outlet - Replace when they quit working, however, good to check them once a month to make sure they are doing the job they are supposed to.

Music: It Just Makes Me Happy by Dj Quads

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The Aaron Advantage,Aaron Luttrull,F.C. Tucker Emge Realtors,Realtor,HVAC,Vacuum,Smoke Detectors,GFCI Outlet,home maintenance,safety,,