The Fairness Alliance World Empire: I am your friend. How can people expect respect when they disrespect. Why do you attack each other? Use existing world religions governments etc. The Fairness Alliance is now an empire to take over the world. We are all just servants of the idea, of the word or words, Logic, Logos, videos, thoughts etc. If our religions fail to update to the facts we have learned we are doomed. Make donation Thoughts, beliefs and claims are not facts. Our minds try to control each other. Our real Self is before our mind. We are not our minds. We are stuck in our minds. We are trapped in our minds. Lets free each others minds. Lets realize our true self that exists before our minds did. It is not fair to us that our minds are causing us trouble. "The fairness Alliance" The fairness alliance is both a religion based on actual facts as well as a non profit entity for those who dislike religions of any kind. It is not based on a deity or person God. It is based on the fact of everything being actually real. There is everything. Everything is a fact. Falsehoods are not facts. We are anti falsehood. We need several thousand dollars to begin this great endeavor. I am fully awakened to the fact that reality is meaning less and can be ignored because I have contained it all within me. I ignore all threats. I refuse all challenges and fights. I want you to have the complete awakening too.This is our fairness alliance. The highest realization is that we are everything therefor we are the shit. We are the highest and the lowest. We improve with time. Our God or power is the facts. We are facts. We protect everything and everyone. Please donate to our fairness Alliance. We have a power that won't fail with peace unity and power. Just say your with the Fairness Alliance and send people to me so I can tell them what I am about. Your with us when you say you are. This is Steven LeRoy Childs. Email and Youtube steve4344. Join our fairness alliance based on fact. We are anti falsehood. Your with us when you agree to be fair about everything. If your not with us your are in danger because we won't protect you. We have used logic to arrive at the all powerful even if your atheist. In set theory the set that contains everything is all that is. When it it united it has all power. Inside us and outside us are both inside everything. We are full of everything. We know everything inside and out. We are nothing or Self and everything is ours. We also surrender to everything. Thanks for your grace. You have my grace also. We demand respect which means treat us with fairness. Tell me what your angry about and I will make a vlog post on the issue of unfairness for you. Your all invited to participate in all my videos. We are demonstrating telepathy, and all the PSI abilities. Our minds are much more powerful than we realize when we are surrendered to what we have claimed is ours. Each of us protect everyone to create unity. Just the intention creates miracles via telepathy. We use the gentalist punishment required to convince fairness for everyone.
We just want to help stop the unrequired suffering? If you subscribe and share and donate great things will happen for you. Make donation
Convince unfairness to be fair. Protect each other. Stop the violence and wars. Unite and protect the world. Do it with the actual facts. Do it with assertive communication. We are non dual. Non dual is when the us and the not us are one. Everything united as one is the all powerful one. Everyone one is included equally in everything. Punish the unfair as gently as possible. If you are threatened by the thoughts from someone return a thought like We may have to kill you if your not fair. There is no need to speak it. The thought is what works by magic. No mercy until our fairness alliance wins. Join us or else no protection. This info replaces all older info that is outdated now. I hope to streamline this process even more as issues happen. We think this Fairness Alliance is the shit. We think it is necessary to share this method to everyone in order for it to work more powerfully. We need yours to make it work. Of course we cannot make it work without the females help. I want to stay totally a servant and not a ruler.