
Don't Rely Solely On Behaviour Based Safety; It Will Only Take You Part Of The Way

Don't Rely Solely On Behaviour Based Safety;  It Will Only Take You Part Of The Way Behaviour based systems have come across in businesses many years ago, and they had significant impact. In many organizations here have 2 common themes the first, is that behaviour based safety drove huge improvements, but then eventually pushed and plateaued. Second; that often, the energy, the enthusiasm and the focus at the leadership level and a team member level starts dwindling off.

There is nothing wrong in behaviour based safety but it is time to start looking at ways to re energize it; to instil a base in cognitive psychology to start looking at the attitudes, beliefs and the mindsets on the top of the behaviours you want to observe. Make sure that it doesn't turn into a pencil whipping exercise and also re-energize it, so it becomes truly useful.

That is just one of the ways we help organizations that are truly trying to put safety at the heart of their business; outperform.

ERIC MICHROWSKI - President & Chief Executive Officer Propulo Consulting

Eric is a globally recognized leader in combining Human Performance, Operational/Process Excellence, Strategy and Organizational Development to drive Culture Shifts and Business Transformations that achieve substantial improvements in Safety, Customer Experience, Operational Reliability, Employee Engagement and Financial Performance.

safety culture,safety culture transformation,behaviour based safety,cognitive behaviour,safe production,safety strategy,business strategy,business transformation,safety consultation,

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