
The Enduring Kingdom by Nathaniel Wilson

The Enduring Kingdom by Nathaniel Wilson All earthly kingdoms, brought into contrast and collision with the enduring kingdom of Christ the Lord, will end. Here are some specifics about the four kingdoms of Daniel:

- BABYLON (612–539 BC)—represented by the head of gold (2:32) and a lion having the wings of an eagle (7:4)

- MEDO-PERSIA (539–331 BC)—represented by the upper body of silver (2:32) and a bear (7:5)

- GREECE (331–63 BC)—represented by the belly and thighs made of bronze (2:32) and a leopard with four wings and four heads (7:6)

- ROME (63 BC–AD 476; the Tribulation)—the first phase of this kingdom is represented by legs of iron (2:33) and an unspecified beast with iron teeth and bronze claws (7:7); the final phase is described as feet and toes that are a mixture of iron and clay (2:41-43), as well as ten horns or ten kings and “another” (7:24-25)

The first three kingdoms and the first phase of the fourth kingdom are all past. What still remains future is the second phase of the fourth kingdom, or the revived Roman Empire. Daniel 7 speaks of the rise of a ten-horned phase of the fourth kingdom, which represents the Antichrist’s kingdom during the Tribulation (7:20-28). "But the Word of God grew and multiplied." Here is the contrast. Here is a kingdom which "fadeth not away."
I. THAT THIS KINGDOM OF THE WORD OF GOD WILL AT LAST SUBDUE ALL OPPOSITION. That which we have seen in this chapter of the Acts has been going on ever since the day when the angel smote Herod. It is going on round about us now.

1. It is going on in the world of nations. Thrones have been built up since, higher than King Herod's; the nations of the earth have gone out to wonder at their greatness. Caesar and Charlemagne, Clovis and Solyman, and how many more, have heard in their day the flattering cry, "It is the voice of a god!" And they have passed away, with their dynasties and their institutions: the great world stream has flowed on, and, as its waves have swept by, they have overwhelmed what was once so great, until their very record has departed. And still the Word of God has "grown and multiplied." The outward forms of Christ's kingdom abide, as fresh as they were in their earliest morning. Still does baptism admit into this kingdom; still does the simple breaking of bread, and the pouring out of wine, endure amongst us. And, if possible, yet more marvellous still, its inward power over countless multitudes is just what it was of old; still they tremble under the Word spoken; still soul after soul melts in contrition, kindles in love, rejoices in exultation, waits in hope, when the words which are the words of that kingdom of the unseen Lord sound in their ears; still in their trouble men gather together, as they did in the house where Rhoda went to the door at Peter's knocking; and still deliverances are given in answer to those supplications, and angels from heaven bear to the saints of the King the succour they need. And now what does all this foreshadow? What but that this kingdom which alone has in it this principle of life shall endure forever? that it shall break in pieces all that are against it?

2. Ah! that which is thus plain in the worldwide history of nations is just as true in the detail of all private life. There, too, are the two kingdoms: the one full of show for vain men, the other full of strength for believing men. There are great promises of success, of rising in life, of acquiring a name, of a man's enjoying his pleasure; and there is an angel ever ready to strike at his noonday of seeming success every such worldly-minded man. There is a "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee; and then whose shall this be which thou hast stored up for thyself?" And there are dungeons and chains on the other side, the following Christ in self-denial and self-sacrifice; and with these there is still, as of old, a portion in the Church's prayers, angels' visits, and a God and Father who sends them for our deliverance. Surely, then, it is plain which of these kingdoms will endure.

II. THE BLESSEDNESS OF BEING ENGAGED UPON THE SIDE OF THIS LIVING POWER. We look into God's Word, and we see the worthlessness of all outer things...

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