
June Energy Report (2019): Stepping Into Your Own and Discovering Self-Love

June Energy Report (2019): Stepping Into Your Own and Discovering Self-Love June 2019 Energy Report: Stepping Into Your Own and Discovering Self-Love. June's energies might feel much lighter, but the potential of transformation and great change continues. June is THE month to discover your self-love, self-worth and abilities to self-retreat in order to strengthen yourself and set energetic boundaries for a busy fall (autumn) season. If you would like more of these monthly energy reports, please comment below.

Watch my video on "The Difference Between Day Lightworkers and Night Lightworkers" here:

I am Pleiadian Healer! I am a:

Starseed + Portal Activator + Intergalactic Shaman

Cosmic Channeler & Healer, expanding your consciousness and raising your vibration.
Awaken to your true powers and your own psychic abilities. Discover the cosmic being of light, which you truly are and always have been. Explore your Starseed Origins, your cosmic soul family and your multidimensional self.


If you have made it this far, you have made it because something or someone has divinely guided you to connect with me. I am a Cosmic Channeler & Healer, raising the vibrations of people around me and helping Earth and its inhabitants ascend to the next level.

I am awakened and I am here to show you how awakened you all can be once you become aligned with your cosmic self. I am here to raise Earth’s vibration and to help it ascend and take you all to the next level. We don’t always get the full picture. How long do you think it takes to become a master of your craft? Lifetimes!

I am here to reflect back onto you what you need to know about yourself at this given point in time. Because at one point in your own journey of incarnations, splitting off and shadow work - be it in this lifetime, a previous one, a parallel one or a future one - you already have the answers to the questions you are asking yourself now. It’s as simple as that.

Pleiaidan Healer,Pleiadian,Psychic,Starseed,Starseeds,June energy,June 2019,June report,energy report,monthly energy,June 2019 Energy report,energy update,self-love,self-worth,self-retreat,energy boundaries,light beacon,lightworker,wayshower,spiritual,spirituality,self-empowerment,

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