
Getting A Loan When You're Self Employed

Getting A Loan When You're Self Employed Self-employment can come as a huge accomplishment, and benefit many individuals that are running a successful company! With this being said, many of those who are self-employed may see it as a downfall when applying for a loan, but why?? This week, we receive the perspective and advice from both Travis and Joe on self-employment, and how easy it can actually be to nail down a loan in the hard money AND conventional lending world when you are self-employed.

As stated in the video, Travis and Joe are not accountants and can’t give advice on what to do when it comes to your taxes and handling your company, but they can provide their perspective on the areas you may need to improve on to increase your chances of getting a loan. If you are self-employed and are having troubles within the lending world, feel free to give either of these guys a call and they would be happy to run through things with you.

You can reach Joe over at Castle and Cooke Mortgage through phone (303-809-7769) or email ( and of course reach out to Travis, or any of the guys over at Pine Financial through phone (303-835-4445), Facebook – or through our website –

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