
vPub Live - Budget Whiskies & A Look Ahead to The Scotch Test Dummies

vPub Live - Budget Whiskies & A Look Ahead  to The Scotch Test Dummies I'll be looking at whiskies that can be picked up for very low prices as asking - can they be worth it? I'll uncork a couple and mention a few that are staples in the cabinet, all costing £25 or less.

I'll also take the opportunity to share the plans for the coming days when we welcome the Scotch Test Dummies to Scotland for the first time. There are a lot of folk looking forward to the Glasgow event, but for those who can't make it we'll be focusing on ways to share the journey and adventures with the wider community.

Hope you can join me and the other barflies in the lounge from the usual time!

#hangoutsonair,Hangouts On Air,#hoa,

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