I hate to get started on religion . . . it’s a can of worms I don’t want to open. But I was raised as a fundamentalist Christian and women’s lack of rights was the ONE thing I always struggled with as a believer. I have always known innately that I do not need a man to rule over me and make the choices for the family simply because he is the man (yes, that’s literally what my church taught). You would be surprised how many churches still teach women to be subservient. Just one week ago I was invited to be the “replacement mom” at my nephew’s mother’s day makeover party at Ontario Christian school because my sister had to work. I thought the idea was excellent and I love my nephew dearly so of course I’m going to go. I was so sad to hear the teacher begin the function with a bible study where she read to each of the mothers, sons and daughters (a room full of impressionable ears) a scripture that says “women be meek and mild”. She literally read those exact words. Most of these mothers had taken time off their professional jobs to come and be with their kids on a Friday during work hours. Most of those women are competing for equal pay in the work force and yet they are still being told to be “meek and mild”. As if this is some sort of virtue. Meek and Mild is NOT a virtue, ladies! It’s putting yourself into a subservient position to your male counterparts.
OK, OK, I could rant on that for too long. I’ll stop there and I’d like to remind all of you ladies out there that:
It’s OK NOT to be meek and mild!
Let’s get out there and encourage each other to be strong, and to stand up and fight for our place in this world. Whether it’s a career goal, or a fitness goal, women need to reach for the stars the same as men do. What’s this meek and mild shit? I prefer strong and empowered!
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