
Binary Classification of Streaming Data Using TensorFlow and StreamSets to ADLS Gen1 and ADLS Gen2

Binary Classification of Streaming Data Using TensorFlow and StreamSets to ADLS Gen1 and ADLS Gen2 Discover useful information in streaming data with pre-trained Machine Learning (ML) models in StreamSets. In this video, you'll understand how to incorporate a TensorFlow ML model to classify breast cancer tumor as being malignant or benign.

With the unique architecture of StreamSets platform, we can write the outcomes into multiple storage layers for variety of downstream consumers. The output includes breast cancer features used by the ML model for classification and model output value with the cancer condition: Benign or Malignant. Data is written to both Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 and Gen2 with the same data structure and consistency.

TensorFlow,StreamSets,Cloud Storage,ADLS,Azure Data Lake,Cloud Ingestion,Machine Learning,Predictive Analytics,

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