Our planet is our only home, we could move somewhere else but, how could we leave this world behind just like that, all of those places that we live in, beautiful nature buzzing with life, how could we leave all of that behind? our planet is our only home, in order to save it we need to take action now, we cannot argue about wether or not exists, it is not a fantasy, it is real and it's affecting our daily lives without us thinking about it, species of plants and animals are endengered or extint, forests are disapearing because of overconsumption, the ocean is getting poisoned by dangerous chemicals and with it, all of creatures that live within it. Planet earth is not our planet, we don't own it, we live with other animals and creatures. So instead of taking from it, we should share it and not destroy it.
one could argue that once we die our planet will just recover by itself, but here is the thing, it can't, because we've ruined so much of it.
In order to take action it needs awareness and reliable sources of information
well how can we do something? well there are a number of different organisations and funds that are doing what they can to help, here's a few of them!
Sierra Club
National Audubon Society
There are hundreds more organizations out there, it's better to look them up yourself to see what you want to do if you want to help.
You can also do what is called an ecological footprint, it is basically a way to measure, based on your everyday needs for transportation, food and energy how many earths you actually need.
it is a great eye-opener and helps you understand what you can do at home!
This map is about the idea of a world where trash and dangerous chemicals don't exist, a world where the planet isn't suffering and changing because of us, it simply is the planet, living and thriving everyday. this is what we see now, most places on earth look fine today, but they might not in the future when it's the next generation's turn, the next generation might only hear of polar bears in stories and movies, the next generation might not know what a beautiful, living world feels like.
Song used: Louis Armstrong- What a wonderful world
I do not own the song or the artwork in this map, the parts all belong to the individual artists that helped complete this project, to find out who they are simply check the ending credits where all the names are listed!