
RAW Trying To Frame Pakistani ISI Over Terror Attacks In Sri Lanka - Wake Up

RAW Trying To Frame Pakistani ISI Over Terror Attacks In Sri Lanka - Wake Up Follow me:

Imran Khan reacts to Sri Lanka

Erdogan "I strongly condemr the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka that coincided with the Easter feast. This attack was made against all mankind.

my nation stands with the relatives of those who lost their lives and all the people of Sri Lanka, I extend condolences on behalf of my nation, I wish speedy recovery to the injured.

Whilst I'm recording this, I am crying from the inside. The world is currently full of bullying and oppression. The global situation is bad my friends. The world is full of ignorance and hate. Lecherous and arrogant people are dominant over the majority of the people of the world.

We should be very cautious in such a situation like this, and act in a vigilant, prudent, and courageous manner. No doubt, what happened was well planned and without a doubt, shadowy entites have been involved.

You can see how the heads of governments behave across the world. Narendra Modi didn't tweet about the terrorist attacks on Muslims in Australia - yet he was quick to tweet on the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. One begs the question, what is the difference between the two?

The horrific attacks cannot be forgiven.. Some of the victims were killed as worshipers gathered for Mass at St. Anthony’s Shrine in Colombo; St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo, about 20 miles north of Colombo; and Zion Church in the eastern city of Batticaloa,

The attacks also targeted high-end hotels in the capital, including the Shangri-La, the Cinnamon Grand and the Kingsbury.

Mangala Samaraweera, the Sri Lankan finance minister, called the explosions “a well-coordinated attempt to create murder, mayhem and anarchy.”

Instead of feeling pain and sorrow for the people of Sri Lanka, Narendra Modi is using the incident for votes. I am honestly sick to the back teeth with such dirty politics!

But thank goodness, the Sri Lankan government haven't fallen for Narendra Modi's divide and rule politics. Pakistan will be sending a forensic team to investigate the horrific incident in Sri Lanka, according to reports, they are due to land in sri lanka tonight - this shows, the trust the Sri Lankans have on Pakistan and this news is definitely a huge slap on Narendra Modi's face, for trying to win votes through a horrific incident like this.

The government has imposed a curfew with immediate effect. It also shut down social media and messaging services. Although, I have been talking to Sri Lankans via twitter. Their tiny peaceful island is hurt, but the spirit of unity lives on. They cannot divide us, no matter how much they try.

People all over the world, from every faith, stand in solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka. Not for votes, not because of race, but because, of humanity. We love you Sri Lanka KGB

Pakistani ISI,Sri Lanka news,Sri Lanka Latest,Sri Lanka breaking News,Pakistan Sri Lanka,Forensic team to Sri Lanka,Pakistani forensic team,Imran Khan sri lanka,erdogan sri lanka,narendra modi,Colombo latest,shangri-la,easter church,easter sri lanka,indian raw,hindutva politics,

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